(1) 저자가 2인 이하인 경우: Kim & Lee, 2022; Richter & Koch, 2022
(2) 저자가 3인 이상인 경우: Lee et al., 2022; Ames et al., 2022
(3) 저자가 국내, 외국인 경우 국내연구를 우선 표기, 저자명은 알파벳순, 년도는 오름차순으로 표기한다. e.g.) Kim, 2014; Lee, 2015; Adams, 2014 ; Smith, 2015
e.g.) 1인 저자
Jang, A. R. (2021). Analysis of Composition and Contents of Free Amino Acids and Free Sugars of Akebia Quinata Fruit Extracts as Skin Care Cosmesutical Ingredients. Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology, 27(2), 501-505, doi:10.52660/JKSC.2021.27.2.501
e.g.) 2인 저자
Seo, H. K., & Kim, S. H. (2021). The Effects of Interest 한국미용학회지 논문투고 규정3 in Cosmetology Videos on Cosmetics Purchase Intentionand Behavior in Young Women in their 20s. Journal ofthe Korean Society of Cosmetology, 27(2), 407-423, doi:10.52660/JKSC.2021.27.2.501
e.g.) 3인 저자 이상
Lee, D.H., Shin, H. Y., & Jin, Y. M. (2021). The Effect of QWL and Organizational Culture of Beauty Workers on Long-Term Employment Intention. Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology, 27(2), 424-431, doi:10.52660/JKSC.2021.27.2.424
e.g.) 박사학위논문: Lee, M. J. (2015). Study on Protective Effects of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Dihydrotestosterone Induced Damage by Using the MicroRNA Expression Profiles in Human Dermal Papilla Cells. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Kunkuk University, Seoul, 1-2.
e.g.) 석사학위논문: Kang, N. H. (2009). A Study on the Recognition and Education Form of Skin Beauty Alternative Therapy. Unpublished master's thesis, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, 1-2.
저자 영문명. (년도). 저서명. 지역: 출판사.
e.g.) 영문단행본: Mitchell, T. R., & Larson, J. R., Jr. (1987). People in Organizations: An Introduction to Organizational Behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McgrawHill.
e.g.) 국문단행본: Choi, K. H. (2021). Hair Science. Seoul: Soomunsa.
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